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Running Jobs

On the Job Scheduler Overview page we described how to run both batch and interactive jobs. This page describes how to request resources for your job.

Cores for Multicore and Shared Memory Jobs

For any kind of multithreading, multiprocessing, shared memory, OpenMP, or similar jobs you can use the -c or --cpus-per-task flag to request additional cores.

An example batch script that requests 4 cores on the mit_normal partition would be:


# Job Flags
#SBATCH -p mit_normal
#SBATCH -c 4

# Set up environment
module load miniforge

# Run your application

MPI and Distributed Jobs

There are a few flags to be aware of for running distributed and MPI jobs. These types of jobs can run across multiple nodes, so there are a few flags that can control how these tasks are spread out.

  • -n or --ntasks: This flag is used to specify the total number of distributed or MPI processes or ranks that your application uses. "Task" is roughly the term that Slurm uses for a process. By default you get ntasks number of cores for your job, one per task.
  • -N or --nodes: This is the number of nodes your tasks are spread across. If you don't specify ntasks or ntasks-per-node you will get one per node. If you specify ntasks they may be split roughly evenly across nodes, but not necessarily. It is generally more efficient for processes on the same node to communicate, so in practice you often want to avoid spreading your tasks across more nodes than necessary.
  • --ntasks-per-node: Use with --nodes, this specifies how many tasks should be assigned to each node.

At minimum you'll need to use the -n or --ntasks flag. This job here runs an MPI job with 4 processes:


# Job Flags
#SBATCH -p mit_normal
#SBATCH -n 4

# Set up environment
module load openmpi

# Run your application
mpirun my_program

Note that mpirun does not necessarily need to be told how many how many processes to start, it can get this information from the scheduler.

When your MPI job gets too big to fit on a single node, or you want to have more control over how your processes are spread out, use the --nodes and --ntasks-per-node. This script runs an MPI job that requests 2 nodes and 64 tasks per node, for a total of 128 MPI processes.


# Job Flags
#SBATCH -p mit_normal
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=64

# Set up environment
module load openmpi

# Run your application
mpirun my_program

The following will still allocate 128 MPI processes across 2 nodes, but they may not necessarily be evenly split between the two nodes.


# Job Flags
#SBATCH -p mit_normal
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks=128

# Set up environment
module load openmpi

# Run your application
mpirun my_program


Each job is allocated some default amount of memory, the amount depending on the node. If you find that you are running out of memory you can request more with the --mem or --mem-per-core flags.

Here is an example of a job multicore job that requests 4 cores and 16GB of RAM:


# Job Flags
#SBATCH -p mit_normal
#SBATCH -c 4
#SBATCH --mem=16G

# Set up environment
module load miniforge

# Run your application

How do you know how much memory your job needs? You can find out how much memory a job used after the job is completed. First, run your job with your best estimate for how much memory you need (you can overestimate), and run the job long enough to get an idea of the memory requirement. If the job fails run the job again requesting more memory. Then you can use the sacct slurm command to get the memory used:

sacct -j JOBID -o JobID,JobName,State,ReqMem,MaxRSS --units=G

where JOBID is your job ID. State shows the job status, keep in mind that the amount of memory reported by sacct is only accurate for jobs that are no longer running, and ReqMem is the number of memory that was allocated to the job. MaxRSS is the maximum resident memory (maximum memory footprint) used by each job.

If the MaxRSS value is larger than what you have requested, or you run out of memory, you will have to request additional memory for your job.


The --gres flag is used to request GPUs in the following way:


For example, to request 1 L40S GPU, use the flag --gres=gpu:l40s:1, or to request 2 H100 GPUs use the flag --gres=gpu:h100:2.

You can see how many GPUs of which type are on each node in a partition using the sinfo command. For example, to check mit_normal_gpu run the command:

sinfo -p mit_normal_gpu -O Partition,Nodes,CPUs,Memory,Gres