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Running AlphaFold 3 on Engaging

AlphaFold is an AI system developed by Google that is used for predicting protein structures. Here we provide a brief description of how to run this model on the Engaging computing cluster.


These instructions assume that you have access to a partition with a GPU on Engaging. If you do not have such access, then you may be able to run this on a CPU, but this would require editing the code distribution provided by Google DeepMind.

Getting Started

For simplicity, in this example, we are storing everything except for the AlphaFold dataset in a folder in our home directory on Engaging. We will use this folder as our working directory:

mkdir ~/af3
export WORKDIR=~/af3

To run AlphaFold 3, we need to obtain a few files that we will store in our working directory:

Model weights

These can be obtained by submitting a request to Google DeepMind. Usually, requests are granted within a few days. To make a request, follow the instructions on the AlphaFold 3 GitHub Repository.

When you get access, you will receive a link to download the parameters. After you download them, you can upload them to Engaging using scp on your local machine (you will receive a Duo push notification - see Transferring Files):

scp /path/to/source/af3.bin.zst $

On Engaging, decompress the file and move to a models directory:

zstd -d af3.bin.zst
mkdir models
mv af3.bin models

AlphaFold 3 code

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

You will need to have an SSH key with GitHub set up on Engaging. If you have not done this, you can clone using the web URL:

git clone

Container image

Google DeepMind provides instructions in their repository on running AlphaFold 3 with Docker. Docker is not compatible with most HPC environments, so we need to run a pre-built container using Apptainer. Thankfully, there is one already built on DockerHub. We have converted this to an Apptainer image and saved it globally on Engaging located at:


Running AlphaFold 3

The last thing you will need to run AlphaFold 3 is the AlphaFold dataset. Because it is quite large, we have saved it globally on Engaging for all users at /orcd/datasets/001/alphafold3.

Once you have everything you need, you will be ready to run AlphaFold 3. We will now go through a test case adapted from the AlphaFold 3 GitHub Repository. From the working directory, create an output directory and a test input file:

mkdir af_output
mkdir af_input
touch af_input/fold_input.json

Copy the following into af_input/fold_input.json (using vim, emacs, or nano):

  "name": "2PV7",
  "sequences": [
      "protein": {
        "id": ["A", "B"],
  "modelSeeds": [1],
  "dialect": "alphafold3",
  "version": 1

You can either run this in an interactive session or in a batch job. If you have access to a partition with a GPU, replace the partition name below as necessary:

Request an interactive session with a GPU:

salloc -N 1 -n 16 -p mit_normal_gpu --gres=gpu:1

Run this script (sh

module load apptainer

# Enter the path to the AF3 dataset and container image:

# Enter the directory of the AF3 material:

apptainer exec \
    --bind $WORKDIR/af_input:/root/af_input \
    --bind $WORKDIR/af_output:/root/af_output \
    --bind $WORKDIR/models:/root/models \
    --bind $WORKDIR/alphafold3:/root/alphafold3 \
    --bind $DATABASES_DIR:/root/public_databases \
    --nv \
    python /root/alphafold3/ \
    --json_path=/root/af_input/fold_input.json \
    --model_dir=/root/models \
    --output_dir=/root/af_output \

Create your batch job script:


#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH -p mit_normal_gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1

module load apptainer

# Enter the path to the AF3 dataset and container image:

# Enter the directory of the AF3 material:

apptainer exec \
    --bind $WORKDIR/af_input:/root/af_input \
    --bind $WORKDIR/af_output:/root/af_output \
    --bind $WORKDIR/models:/root/models \
    --bind $WORKDIR/alphafold3:/root/alphafold3 \
    --bind $DATABASES_DIR:/root/public_databases \
    --nv \
    python /root/alphafold3/ \
    --json_path=/root/af_input/fold_input.json \
    --model_dir=/root/models \
    --output_dir=/root/af_output \

Submit the batch job:

sbatch run_alphafold.sbatch

Output is saved to the af_output directory.